School Advisory Committee
The School Advisory Committee (SAC) promotes close relationship between the community and the school and takes an active interest in student and staff welfare while encouraging students’ Co-Curricular Activities aimed at all round development.
Amongst other areas of contribution, the SAC has provided subsidy for sports coaches, sports facilities such as the Speed Wall, swimming scholarships and pocket money for needy pupils.
A major contribution of the SAC has been in the Swimming Pool. The SAC encourages student participation in water sports such as swimming and water polo. All our students participate in a water safety programme and they have swimming lessons as part of their PE programme. The committee gives the Outstanding Student Award to the best all-rounder on Annual Speech Day Celebrations to inspire students to strive towards excellence.
Over the years, members of the committee have given their time, effort and expertise to work in tandem with the school to help shape Outram into what it is today.