Youth Cop News: Youth and the Law Book Launch
During the earlier June holiday, Youth COP leaders were actively involved in the programme through various engagements, one of which was a joint project with the Singapore Association of Women Lawyers (SAWL) for the book launch of “Youth & the Law” (3rd edition) at Temasek Polytechnic. The book provides youths with the basic principles of legal protection and helps them understand the real life consequences and penalties of breaking the law. It also provides sources of additional information such as websites on the issues faced by youths in today’s context and where they can turn to for counselling solutions.
Together with Youth COP students from other schools, the selected Youth COP leaders from OSS were Alisha (2/4), Afif Jazimin (2/1) and Danish Shahizzat (2/2). They were personally mentored by Ms Lim Lei Theng from Allen & Gledhill LLP to present a skit on the day of the launch on the topics – Vaping & Gang Involvement. These two topics were chosen by the leaders as they felt it was most relatable to youth today. The Youth COP leaders spent many hours brainstorming, planning and rehearsing and last week on the 19th July, they presented in front of a live audience and the GOH for the event, 2nd Minister for Finance and National Development, Ms Indranee Rajah.
They were praised for their effort and performance. Well done, Youth Cop leaders!